New Trailer and Gameplay video of SNK Heroines Reveal Massive Select Screen


SNK Heroines Tag Team Frenzy is still few months away, but that does not stop SNK from giving us more info and footage about the game.

First of all we have a brand new trailer that focuses on the game’s alt costumes and customization features. check it out below:

The other video that hit the web today is courtesy of Gamespot. the clip is a 4 min gameplay session showing the SNK heroines in action. Eagle eyed fans will be able to spot how massive the character select screen is actually is. In fact some fans are speculating that the game will have at least 39 characters, based on that select screen. Watch the video below and let us know, in the comments section, what you think:

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Nabil, AKA Strugler, is an old time fan of the fighting games genre. Born in the early 80's Strugler got to experience the rise (and fall) of the Arcade scene, and learned the hard way to never mash buttons in order to win the last third round of a Street Fighter II match.

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