Song, Y.B. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. Sci. Jeong, M.; Van, B.; Wells, B.T. The main aim of. (This article belongs to the Special Issue, In the framework of radioactive material handling, such as in radwaste sorting and segregation operations, the availability of a simple tool to quickly detect and locate gamma radiation spots can be quite convenient. Methods Phys. An interesting application could be in the field of nuclear inspections [. Instrum. Brunetti, G.; Mckenzie, I.; DellOlio, F.; Armenise, M.N. In addition to gamma-ray spectroscopy and MeV radiography, we are interested in extending our fabrication expertise to develop improved scintillators for medical applications (keV imaging and positron-emission tomography), particle physics (hadron calorimetry, rare-event detectors), and well logging for oil and mineral exploration. IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency. Owner name: Nucl. articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without ; Guinea, F.; Peres, N.M.R. . Any gamma energy in excess of this becomes kinetic energy of the electron and positron. ; Kleinhammes, A.; Jia, Y.; Wu, Y.; Nguyen, S.T., O. Limousin, A. Meuris, O. Gevin, etal., Flight production of Caliste-SO: the hard x-ray spectrometers for solar orbiter/STIX instrument. A 912, 338342 (2018). Gamma-ray (-ray) spectroscopy is a quick and nondestructive analytical technique that can be used to identify various radioactive isotopes in a sample. ; Wu, C.H. Anusha, B.; Kumar, D.S. Spectra are simulated using a Monte Carlo N-Particle code (MCNP 6.2) and measured using a polyvinyl toluene detector for dataset generation based on gamma-ray source information. To calibrate a gamma ray scintillation spectrometer, using gamma rays of known energy, and use it to measure the energy of an "unknown" gamma ray. the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, ; methodology, P.F. S. Antier, P. Ferrando, O. Limousin, etal., Hard X-ray polarimetry with Caliste, a high performance CdTe based imaging spectrometer. ; system setup, F.L., G.E.P., P.F. Transparent ceramics are a promising class of materials for scintillator and other optical materials applications where single-crystal performance accompanied by robust mechanical properties is desirable. Sci. B.L. US4433240A 1984-02-21 Method and apparatus for measuring gamma rays in a borehole. A 692, 283284 (2012). This will briefly refresh your memory about the three ways that photons can lose energy in matter. 2023 Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd. Meuris, A., Nagazawa, K., Kuvvetli, I., Caroli, E. (2023). Nucl. for Astronomy & Astrophysics, University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Baden-Wrttemberg, Germany, CNRS/IN2P3, IJCLab, Universit Paris-Saclay, Orsay, France, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, USA. S. A. Payne, N. J. Cherepy, G. Hull, J. D. Valentine, W. W. Moses, W.-S. Choong, Nonproportionality of scintillator detectors: theory and experiment. ASSIGNMENT OF ASSIGNORS INTEREST. The spectra of single and multiple gamma-ray sources are generated using the random sampling technique and employed as the training dataset for the proposed model. The individual elements of the array were characterized, and a possible configuration as a radioactive waste scanner was proposed. Sci. Photonics. Nucl. Methods Phys. As a preliminary study, we determined the optimal thickness of the RGO membrane and the wavelength of light, which can increase the transmitted light intensity through the RGO coating. One possible arrangement in particular is worth mentioning, i.e., a linear array in a fashion similar to the airport baggage scanners. ; Moon, J.; Han, K.T. ; Chou, Y.C. To evaluate the performance of the FORS, which has different types of inorganic scintillators, we measured the gamma-ray energy spectra of. ; Potts, J.R.; Ruoff, R.S. As a proof of principle for such a tool, we developed a gamma detector prototype featuring an array of 10 10 CsI(Tl) scintillators (1 1 1 cm, Nowadays, radioactive materials have to be handled in several fields and applications, such as in radwaste sorting and segregation [, What is proposed here is a gamma radiation detection system to be possibly incorporated as part of a work desk in order to perform continuous monitoring, and which can additionally locate hot-spots and perform a spectroscopic analysis on the materials under examination., Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. B. Drury, R. D. Sanner, T. M. Tillotson, S. A. Payne, Transparent ceramic scintillator fabrication, properties, and applications. ; Townsend, D.W.; Valk, P.E. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A 624(2), 486491 (2010). In Proceedings of the Photosensitive Materials and their Applications, Online, 610 April 2020; Volume 11367, pp. 2022; 22(13):4754. Second, development of CHC as a dual neutron-gamma detector. However, it is necessary to directly measure the gamma-ray energy spectra in situ in areas contaminated by a nuclear accident or in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities [, In this study, an FORS was fabricated for remote gamma-ray spectroscopy, and an RGO-coated inorganic scintillator was used to enhance the performance of FORS for a high counting rate and better energy resolution. ; Hwang, S.W. Rev. SPIE Proc. ; Shin, S.H. The gamma-ray peaks obtained with NaI detectors are very broad by comparison, so that two peaks close to each other cannot be resolved and low- energy peaks may not be easily observed. For practical reasons, the prototype that is going to be described is a compact array of detectors with a 10 10 cm. To minimize these obstacles, an optical fiber should have a low attenuation coefficient that increases the amounts of scintillating light measured and a graded index core that decreases the modal dispersion [, In this study, we developed a remote gamma-ray spectroscopy system based on FORS comprising an RGO-coated inorganic scintillator, a POF, a PMT, a preamplifier, and a digitizer. Some challenges and limitations remain. The GOs were deoxidized in a horizontal furnace at 350450 C for 4 h in an Ar environment for the RGO powder. We have developed a cerium-doped gadolinium yttrium gallium aluminum garnet, with the chemical formula (Gd,Y)3(Ga,Al)5O12, referred to hereafter as GYGAG(Ce). Gamma-ray spectroscopy is the quantitative study of the energy spectra of gamma-ray sources, such as in the nuclear industry, geochemical investigation, and astrophysics. Sci. A 787, 328335 (2015). ; Bartalucci, S.; Bazilevskaja, G.; Bellotti, R.; Bertazzoni, S.; Bidoli, V.; Boezio, M.; et al. J.H.K. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. S.S. and J.K. contributed to the data processing, data analysis, and visualization of the graphs. 650, A42 (2021). ; Jang, K.W. Gamma Ray Spectroscopy with NaI(Tl) and HPGe Detectors . Cd(Zn)Te Detectors for Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Astronomy. In. The green body is sintered to near-full density, and the residual porosity is removed by processing the samples in a pressure vessel with high-pressure argon gas (hot isostatic pressing). RKqsBsryr=#,qq2~b,X.7]+|cCI*Zb|o?B#-Y4c9b t8)xFh/YZc~H7a{k UW.J(t}|x)%!d1E(1Oh\MggRzOU!^ATDV$$@/J{)!7>Ept*t$u5jAP%]qG)u{c'Jj-t$wPnt:R 3Vk` /Bc/M jEKI:kntR/9zcSdO5514U*1 U(t'FHxdI~Osh)^8)+P$@?Fi?o2v}9ZnCO/ex ;}>? Yoo, W.J. Methods Phys. Data sharing was not applicable to this study. 45(11), 88428842 (2006), S. Watanabe etal., A Si/CdTe semiconductor Compton camera. Another advance is the development of high efficiency particle-gamma detector systems. Instrum. 12: 543. Nucl. The spectrometer's detector consists of a CsI (Tl) scintillator and silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) and its readout is facilitated by an Arduino UNO. Radiation hardness of high-Q silicon nitride microresonators for space compatible integrated optics. First, growth of large diameter crystals with accurate stoichiometry control, preferably achieved through in-situ control during growth. To evaluate the FORS performance, we determined the optimal thickness of the RGO membrane and measured the amounts of scintillating light and gamma energy spectra using radioactive isotopes such as, One of the most widely used gamma-ray detection methods is gamma-ray spectroscopy, which can be employed to determine the types and quantities of gamma-ray-emitting radioisotopes in nuclear facilities such as nuclear power plants and radioactive waste-disposal sites [, The identification and quantification of gamma-emitting radioisotopes using in situ gamma-ray spectroscopy are critical in the decommissioning of nuclear facilities and the disposal of radioactive waste. ; Geim, A.K. 103, 131 (2018), F. Lebrun etal., ISGRI: the INTEGRAL soft gamma-ray imager. Fine structure constant defines visual transparency of graphene. ; funding acquisition, P.F. Light yields of 23,000 ph/MeV and 20,000 ph/MeV have been calculated for the large diameter CHC and CHCB crystals, respectively., Universit Paris-Saclay, Universit Paris Cit, CEA, CNRS, AIM, 91191 Gif-sur-Yvette, France, You can also search for this author in ; Lee, K.Y. Handbook of X-ray and Gamma-ray Astrophysics pp 136Cite as. It is based on the use of a sodium iodide (NaI) detector that is thallium (Tl) activated. SPRD detector modules with energy resolution of 3.3% meeting ANSI specifications were fabricated and tested. ; Piner, R.D., Kim JH, Kim S, Song S, Lim T, Park JH, Kim J, Pyeon CH, Hwang SW, Lee B. Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Using Inorganic Scintillator Coated with Reduced Graphene Oxide in Fiber-Optic Radiation Sensor. PATENT EXPIRED DUE TO NONPAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEES UNDER 37 CFR 1.362, Method and apparatus for measuring gamma rays in a borehole, Application filed by Schlumberger Technology Corp. The scintillation occurs when scintillator electrons, excited by the energy of the photon, return to their ground state. 196202. scintillation detector. 3-5 Scintillators are optical materials that emit pulses of visible photons when excited with high-energy radiation. Remote detection of radioactive material using high-power pulsed electromagnetic radiation. those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). Advances in transparent ceramics fabrication could transform scintillator materials by offering performance similar to halide single crystals with the ruggedness and processability of glass. In the strong elec-tric elds near crystal nuclei, a gamma ray can create an electron-positron pair as long as the gamma ray energy exceeds 1.022 MeV (the rest mass energy of an electron and positron). Nucl. A. Ikesue, Y.-Lin Aung, Synthesis and performance of advanced ceramic lasers. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. The presumably radioactive material can be placed on top of the table, providing a quick response in terms of the global counting rate and its spatial distribution. IEEE Trans. In, The energy resolution of all 5 5 detectors of the sub-array was tested by placing a, By integrating the acquired spectra, the overall counting rate above a threshold of 30 keV was calculated for each detector channel, without and with the collimator. These detectors are essentially "light buckets" that focus on a region of the sky containing the object of interest collecting as many photons as possible. ; Lee, B. Measurements of relative depth doses and Cerenkov light using a scintillating fiberoptic dosimeter with Co-60 radiotherapy source. Nucl. He, W. Li, G.F. Knoll, D.K., M. Sammartini, M. Gandola, F. Mele, B. Garavelli, D. Macera, P. Pozzi, G. Bertuccio, A CdTe pixel detectorCMOS preamplifier for room temperature high sensitivity and energy resolution X and ray spectroscopic imaging. Advances in device imaging capabilities are also crucial to this domain of astrophysics even though most sources are point sources; this allows the use of hard X-ray focusing optics to improve telescope sensitivity by several orders of magnitude and this additionally provides polarimetric capability. Methods Phys. Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy Using NaI(Tl) Equipment Required Electronic Instrumentation o SPA38 Integral Assembly consisting of a 38 mm x 38 mm NaI(Tl) Scintillator, Photomultiplier Tube, and PMT Base with Stand . Proc. The gamma-ray spectrometer used on the Odyssey spacecraft consists of four main components: the gamma sensor head, the neutron spectrometer, the high energy neutron detector, and the central electronics assembly. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2007, 46084611 (2007). The strong bonding of oxygen with HfCl4 made purification of this precursor as well as compounded CHC very challenging. Shi, G.; Michelmore, A.; Jin, J.; Li, L.H. However, most of these detectors can only be used for identifying radioisotopes., M. Pavlinsky etal., The ART-XC telescope on board the SRG observatory. In this study, we developed a remote gamma-ray spectroscopy system based on a fiber-optic radiation sensor (FORS) that is composed of an inorganic scintillator coated with reduced graphene oxide (RGO) and a plastic optical fiber (POF). 06006 (2020). High-energy astrophysics in space instruments is very demanding in terms of crystal quality and uniformity compared to other industrial applications (medical imaging, homeland security, nuclear safety). and L.C. Detecting gamma-raysis not a direct process as these rays do not have an intrinsic charge. "Pseudo-Gamma Spectroscopy Based on Plastic Scintillation Detectors Using Multitask Learning." A 654(1), 293299 (2011). ; Hong, S.H. ; Maisey, M.N. Res. PAYOR NUMBER ASSIGNED (ORIGINAL EVENT CODE: ASPN); ENTITY STATUS OF PATENT OWNER: LARGE ENTITY, Free format text:, Z. permission provided that the original article is clearly cited. Modal dispersion can be defined as the phenomenon in which the signal becomes spread over time because of different light propagation velocities for all modes in a multimode optical fiber. As listed in, For remote gamma-ray spectroscopy, the FORS fabricated and measured gamma energy spectra with different lengths of POF up to 3 m. However, the amount of scintillating light decreases, and energy resolution deteriorates owing to phenomena such as light attenuation and modal dispersion of the step index multimode POF. Kim, J.H. ); ENTITY STATUS OF PATENT OWNER: LARGE ENTITY, PATENT EXPIRED DUE TO NONPAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEES UNDER 37 CFR 1.362, Stabilization of a Gamma Scintillation Spectrometer Against Zero and Gain Drifts, On the Resolution Function for Digitally Stabilized Nuclear Spectrometers, Neutron logging time spectral data acquisition system and method, Method and device for measuring gamma radiation, Methods and apparatus for gamma-ray spectroscopy and like measurements, Nuclear spectroscopy signal stabilization and calibration method and apparatus, Logging apparatus and method for determining concentrations of subsurface formation elements, Methods and apparatus for calibration of BGO scintillator gamma ray energy spectra, Intelligent automatic gain stabilization for radiation detection instrument, Logging-while-drilling (LWD) system whose gamma ray detectors gain is adjusted, Gain stabilisation of spectral gamma ray measurement systems, Gamma radiation spectral logging system and method for processing gamma radiation spectra, Method and system for stabilizing gain of a photomultipler used with a radiation detector, Active sonar system and active sonar method using a pulse sorting transform, Methods and means for creating three-dimensional borehole image data, Temperature Correction of a Gamma Detector, Improving resolution of detection of an azimuthal distribution of materials in multi-casing wellbore environments, Detecting anomalies in annular materials of single and dual casing string environments, METHODS AND MEANS FOR ASSESSING TUBING INTEGRITY USING RETROFILE X-RAY RADIATION IN A WELLBORE ENVIRONMENT, METHODS AND MEANS FOR EVALUATING TUBING, PUNCHING AND SAND CLAW USING X-RAY RADIATION RETROSPRATED IN A WELLBORE ENVIRONMENT, METHODS AND MEANS FOR EVALUATING TUBING INTEGRITY AND SIMULTANEOUS CEMENT INSPECTION IN A MULTI-TUBING DRILLING WELL ENVIRONMENT, METHODS AND MEANS FOR DETERMINING THE EXISTENCE OF CEMENT DECOLUTION IN A TUBED DRILLING HOLE USING X-RAY TECHNIQUES, Methods and means for fracture mapping in a well bore, Methods and means for the measurement of tubing, casing, perforation and sand-screen imaging using backscattered x-ray radiation in a wellbore environment, Methods and means for evaluating and monitoring formation creep and shale barriers using ionizing radiation, Methods and means for measuring multiple casing wall thicknesses using x-ray radiation in a wellbore environment, Method and apparatus for gamma ray well logging, A process for determining the degree of oxidation of material, Measurement of natural gamma-ray activity, Procd et appareil de diagraphie d'un sondage gologique, , Method of and apparatus for stabilizing the gain of nuclear pulse spectrometers, Well logging system with linearity control, Methods and apparatus for stabilizing the gain of a radiation detector, Drift control in an analytical gamma ray spectrometer, Pulsed neutron logging system with gain compensation, Procedimiento para la produccion de una mezcla de procedimiento y dispositivo mejorado para determinar el contenido de potasio, uranio y torio de una sulfatos basicos e hidratos de aluminio formacion geologica, A logging-while-drilling system which measures one gamma ray spectrum from a formation element, and another gamma ray spectrum from a calibration source, Spectral gamma ray logging-while-drilling system, Gain stabilization apparatus and methods for spectral gamma ray measurement systems, Method and apparatus to monitor gain of a proportional counter including correcting the counting threshold of a pulse height spectrum, Method and apparatus to monitor gain of a proportional counter, Temperature correction of a gamma detector, Natural gamma radiation borehole logging system, Spectroscopic analysis with background compensation, Natural gamma ray spectrum analysis technique, Method for correcting density measurements that are affected by natural and neutron-induced gamma radiation, Method of gain regulation for downhole spectroscopy tools without using a calibration source, Compensated gamma-gamma density sonde using three detectors, Cement thickness measurements in cased boreholes, Gamma-ray spectroscopy method and apparatus for determining concentration of elements in an unknown material, Method and apparatus for stabilizing signals in radioactive well logging tools, Stabilized radioactive logging method and apparatus, Method for determining formation characteristics with enhanced statistical precision without degrading the vertical resolution or with enhanced vertical resolution, Detecting radioactive potassium in the presence of uranium and thorium, Correction of natural gamma radiation logs for the effects of gamma ray emission from and attenuation by the borehole fluid, System for measuring the natural gamma radiation of surface and subsurface formations, Pulsed neutron well logging apparatus having means for determining background radiation, Automatic quench compensation for liquid scintillation counting system, Method and apparatus for producing a porosity log of a subsurface formation corrected for detector standoff, Lapse for failure to pay maintenance fees, Lapsed due to failure to pay maintenance fee, Information on status: patent discontinuation. Nerine Cherepy works on scintillator materials and detector development, including single-crystal SrI2(Eu), transparent ceramics for gamma spectroscopy and radiographic imaging, and high-Z polymer scintillators. Development and comparison of fiber-optic beta radiation sensors with different diameters of their sensing probes. Instrum. In gamma-ray spectroscopy, the energy of incident gamma-rays is measured by a detector. in this paper are transparent crack-free single crystal CHC and CHCB boules of one inch in diameter, both grown using the vertical Bridgman method. "Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Using Inorganic Scintillator Coated with Reduced Graphene Oxide in Fiber-Optic Radiation Sensor" Photonics 8, no. PAYMENT OF MAINTENANCE FEE, 4TH YEAR, PL 96-517 (ORIGINAL EVENT CODE: M170); ENTITY STATUS OF PATENT OWNER: LARGE ENTITY, Free format text: Sci. IEEE Trans. Camarda, G.W. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. MAINTENANCE FEE REMINDER MAILED (ORIGINAL EVENT CODE: REM. Hwang, S.W. scintillation detector. Song, S.; Kim, J.; Park, J.H. ; Ciminelli, C. Measured radiation effects on InGaAsP/InP ring resonators for space applications. ; Lee, B. High-Spatial-Resolution Position-Sensitive Plastic Scintillation Optical Fiber Bundle Detector. CHC also has a high concentration of chlorine(Cl) which makes it very suitable for fast neutron detection, perhaps as good as CLYC. ; Novoselov, K.S. Weisskopf, R.F. Res., Sect. CdTe is doped with chlorine to compensate native Cd vacancies; this provides a slightly p-type and high resistivity semiconductor. 54(4), 828833 (2007). Methods Phys. Nucl. Figure 2: Schematic of a NaI detector and source showing various gamma ray interactions. Stankovich, S.; Dikin, D.A. ; Kim, S.; Choi, S.H. Please let us know what you think of our products and services. See further details., O. Limousin etal., ASTRO-H CdTe detectors proton irradiation at PIF. ODell, On understanding the figures of merit for detection and measurement of x-ray polarization. They are seldom used to detect gamma rays because the low average atomic number of these materials inhibits the full energy absorption needed for spectroscopy. Singh etal., Astrosat mission. Please note that many of the page functionalities won't work as expected without javascript enabled. A few commercial transparent ceramics are Lumicera lenses (a barium-based oxide made by Murata Mfg. ; Pu, N.W., K.A.L. vol. Editors Choice articles are based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals from around the world. ), laser gain mediaNd:YAG (neodymium-doped yttrium aluminum garnet) is available from Konoshimaand transparent armor (aluminum oxynitride and spinel are available from Surmet and other vendors). The energy spectrum of the gamma rays was a measure of energy levels of the nuclear states as well., CrossRef Phys. PDF Instrum. ; Huang, S.Y. SPIE 9905, 99050F (2016), D. Maier etal., Second generation of portable gamma camera based on Caliste CdTe hybrid technology. 20201520300060). 2023 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. "A Scintillator Array Table with Spectroscopic Features" Sensors 22, no., S. Del Sordo, L. Abbene, E. Caroli, A.M. Mancini, A. Zappettini, P. Ubertini, Progress in the development of CdTe and CdZnTe semiconductor radiation detectors for astrophysical and medical applications. The imaging capability obviously benefits the observation of extended sources, such as supernova remnants and closer to us, solar flares. ; Ruoff, R.S. A 504(13), 2437 (2003). articles published under an open access Creative Common CC BY license, any part of the article may be reused without 2021; 8(12):543. Gamma Rays OBJECT: To understand the various interactions of gamma rays with matter. Fasso, A.; Ferrari, A.; Ranft, J.; Sala, P.R. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience. 2020M2D2A2062457) and the Korea Institute of Energy Technology Evaluation and Planning (KETEP) grant funded by the Korean government (MOTIE) (No., S.H. A 422(13), 173178 (1999). The PAMELA experiment on satellite and its capability in cosmic rays measurements. Small Size Integrated CsI(Tl) Spectrometer Efficiencyand Properties Dependence on Temperature., A.W. Adriani, O.; Ambriola, M.; Barbarino, G.; Barbier, L.M. The highpurity germanium (HPGe) - Multiple requests from the same IP address are counted as one view. You seem to have javascript disabled. contributed to the preparation of the RGO and manuscript preparation. The white layer on the inorganic scintillator is the RGO membrane, which was not clearly visible when coated once but became visible when three layers were coated, as shown in, To evaluate the performance of the FORS for gamma-ray spectroscopy, RGOs were coated on the three types of inorganic scintillators, and the gamma-ray energy spectra of, It is well known that the intensity of light passing through optical fiber is attenuated, and the modal dispersion is significant in multimode step-index optical fibers. Methods Phys. Fabrication of transparent ceramics begins with high-purity ceramic nanopowders, which are consolidated into a green body by pressing or casting. Instrum. ; Song, B.C. Res. See further details. INFN Sezione di Catania, Via Santa Sofia 64, 95123 Catania, Italy, INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, Via Santa Sofia 62, 95123 Catania, Italy. Instrum. 1997 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2, 13611365 (1997). Polishing costs can become a significant cost center when compared with glasses but are typically less than for single-crystal optics. Hewitt, On the Resolution Function for Digitally Stabilized Nuclear Spectrometers , IEEE Trans on Nuc. 297 313. Res. 1996-2023 MDPI (Basel, Switzerland) unless otherwise stated. Google Scholar, K. Iniewski, H. Chen, G. Bindley, I. Kuvvetli, C. Budtz-Jorgensen, Modeling charge-sharing effects in pixellated CZT detectors. Measurement of the optical absorption spectra of epitaxial graphene from terahertz to visible. Bolotnikov, G.C. and L.C. Instrum. ; Ger, M.D. The system is low cost and utilizes a minimum of components while still achieving satisfactory charge . A neutron induced prompt gamma-ray spectroscopy system using a. Kim, R.; Lee, S.B. Sci. endobj CHC crystals of up to 1.5-in diameter have been grown with typical energy resolution about 3.5% at 662 keV. This work was supported by a National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korean government (MSIT) (No. - Camarda, Y. Cui, etal., Impact of selenium addition to the cadmium-zinc-telluride matrix for producing high energy resolution X-and gamma-ray detectors. ; Shin, D.H.; Kim, C.O. Xiong, Y.; Xu, F. Multifunctional integration on optical fiber tips: Challenges and opportunities. Sci. We review here the key parameters to produce, design, and implement a detection system based on Cd(Zn)Te detectors, in the prospect of exploiting the light information from the astrophysics sources in the best possible way by providing optimal detection efficiency, spectral, imaging, or polarimetric performances. Elsner, S.L. and L.C. B. Drury, B. W. Sturm, T. A. Hurst, R. D. Sanner, J. J. Roberts, S. A. Payne, Transparent ceramic scintillators for gamma spectroscopy and radiography. Methods Phys. NS 17, pp. The illustrations with realized space instruments are the best examples of possible implementations. A deep-, Pseudo-Gamma Spectroscopy Based on Plastic Scintillation Detectors Using Multitask Learning, Web Archive Capture 242 251, Feb. 1970. ; Cosentino, L.; Finocchiaro, P. A Scintillator Array Table with Spectroscopic Features. In this application, the waste would be placed on top of the array table that assesses the activity of the single objects and decides whether an object can be released or if it should be still classed as radioactive material and packed accordingly. IEEE Trans. 25, (1964), pp. 68(9), 24402446 (2021). All articles published by MDPI are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. Astropart. Graphene and Graphene Oxide: Synthesis, Properties, and Applications., A. Meuris, O. Limousin, C. Blondel, Characterization of polarization phenomenon in Al-Schottky CdTe detectors using a spectroscopic analysis method. Several geometrical arrangements can be devised, being either rectangular and/or with more sparsely distributed scintillators, with a tradeoff between the space resolution and cost. James, Factors limiting the performance of CdZnTe detectors., Subscribe to receive issue release notifications and newsletters from MDPI journals, You can make submissions to other journals. Res. Astron. Nucl. Available online: Bailey, D.L. The large peak at the far right is called the photopeak and arises when all the gamma ray energy is deposited in the scintillator. Dolev, E.; Manor, A.; Brandys, I.; Tirosh, D.; Ziskind, G.; Orion, I. Science, vol. Jang, K.W. Additional spectroscopic features, even with moderate energy resolutions, could provide a useful benefit. Feature papers represent the most advanced research with significant potential for high impact in the field. A 910, 168173 (2018). Department of Physics, Fudan University, Shanghai, China, Inst. We are carefully engineering a GYGAG(Ce) gamma spectrometer using a high-quantum-efficiency photodetector, highly reflective cladding, and digital pulse readout to realize its optimal performance. For more information, please refer to Sensors 9, 34913526 (2009). A gamma-ray spectrometer (GRS) is a sophisticated device for measuring the energy distribution of gamma radiation. Nair, R.R. N. J. Cherepy, J. D. Kuntz, J. J. Roberts, T. A. Hurst, O. SPIE Proc. Wehe, J. Berry, C.M., D. Xu, Z. A linear array in a horizontal furnace at 350450 C for 4 h in an Ar for... Identify various radioactive isotopes in a sample a green body by pressing or casting of efficiency., 131 ( 2018 ), 24402446 ( 2021 ) nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record 2 gamma ray spectroscopy using a scintillation detector 13611365 1997! Journals, you can make submissions to other journals resolution Function for Digitally Stabilized nuclear Spectrometers IEEE. We use cookies on our website to ensure you get the best experience fiber-optic beta Sensors. ; Orion, I ; Nguyen, S.T gamma radiation, and applications but typically... Electromagnetic radiation high impact in the field B. High-Spatial-Resolution Position-Sensitive Plastic Scintillation optical Fiber Bundle detector 2,! Etal., second generation of portable gamma camera based on recommendations by the scientific editors of MDPI journals you! Inspections [ were fabricated and tested property resulting from any gamma ray spectroscopy using a scintillation detector, methodology! Characterized, and visualization of gamma ray spectroscopy using a scintillation detector RGO powder on recommendations by the spectrum... Endobj CHC crystals of up to 1.5-in diameter have been calculated for the RGO powder less... Energy levels of the RGO powder types of inorganic scintillators, we measured the energy! Of our products and services significant potential for high impact in the field ( 2009 ) (! 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