So the Muslims dont think that Muhammad was the founder of their religion. Muslims believe in only one god, those who practice Hinduism believe in multiple gods that are actually different aspects of one god, Buddhists believe that others have the ability to become perfect buddhists, Confucians believe humanity can be perfected through education of the way they should relate to others and the world around them, and Daoism focuses more on the way, and Islam are not exclusive and need not to be in competition. Islam strongly condemns the taking of one's life and this is stated in a verse in the Quran, which states that "do not take your life verily Allah is to you most merciful." Human life is considered to be sacred in Islam teachings say that a person should take human life which Allah has made sacred save with right. In other words, the meaning of the word Islam means peaceful and submissive in the path of, The literal meaning of Islam is peace; surrender of one's will i.e. Islamic Civilization has been built over the course of over 1300 years. The character of the lord is that of peace and mercy. Islam is a religion that has more than one billion devotees around the world. explain how life in Islamic culture . Muslims tried a lot to change the bad image of Islam, but with no benefit. Please write your answers in two to three paragraphs. Neither men nor women are superior to each other. Introduction to ISLAM Order custom writing paper now! Local Mixes of Islamic and African Aesthetics Islam teaches that one must submit to God in Arabic in order to achieve true peace of mind. Number of words: 669. By the way, jihad is the only form of warfare which is permitted by the Muslim law. Need a custom Essay sample written from scratch by Muslims live by two characteristics and they are discipline and structure which helps the Muslims follow the five pillars of Islam. They also must pray five times a day each day and on Fridays they pray together in the Mosque, which is the Holy Temple that Muslims congregate at for worship. Religion is defined as an institutional system of belief of superhuman power or powers; that are believed to have control over humanity: there are a number of religions existing in the world with Christianity and Muslims as the most dominant. (Kabbini,2000) For centuries the Islamic societies have been patriarchal based, where the male member runs the household. This is a way to be closer to Allah and purify themselves from evil needs and world. Four kinds of Muslims that are Sony, Shah, Sofuh and Whabies, All kind of Muslims are almost the same with no big different. Most Muslims will be familiar with the monotheistic creed There is no God but God, and Muhammad was his Messenger, which every practicing Muslim must acknowledge this belief known as Shahadah. Islam has many concepts and people have different thoughts about it. According to Muslims, God sent a number of prophets to mankind to teach them, Islam is one of the oldest religions in the world, and with that has one of the biggest populations of followers and worshipers. In addition, Muslims should believe in all other prophets who are sent by God like Abraham, Jesus, and Moses. A woman is not supposed to show directly that she is in love with a man. [2] Muslims also believe that Islam is the complete and universal version of a primordial faith that was revealed at many times and places before, including through the prophets Abraham, Moses and Jesus. Beliefs 3 Introduction by Shaikh Salman of the new Civil Code. The word Islam means submission or surrender however, it was derived from the root word salam which means peace or safety. Different people hold varying perceptions and attitudes towards Islam religion: some believe that the religion is responsible for terrorism attacks experienced in the world while others believe it is a religion of peace. Although I thoroughly love Christianity, I still wanted to explore our other worldly religions. Coelho, Paulo. Judaism. God sent the prophet Mohammad with Islam to complete the monotheistic religions (Abd-Allah, Umar Faruq 1-10). The two religions are based on different teachings. Today the armed form of jihad is used by many terrorist organizations in order to justify ideologically their actions. Islam believes that God created mankind in His image and by imbuing the attributes of God on a human level mankind can attain His nearness. Click here for S1 E7: The Lost Judaism, an introduction to KuzariRabbi Shnayor Burton | Linktree - S3, E9 , The Kuzari, Part #1, Essay 1: Philosophy, Chritianity, Islam and the fundamentals of Judaism; different levels of people; connecting with the divine; the Golden Calf; the Afterlife by The Great Sources with Rabbi Shnayor Burton . The religion of Islam believed in the equality of all followers, all Allahs followers were one and Allah was the only supreme religion. Muslims attitude to women is another special trait of Islam. Her reasoning is that she loves Santiago and therefore must love his dreams as well (Coelho, 5). Religion is defined as an institutional system of belief of superhuman power or powers; that are believed to have control over humanity: there are a number of religions existing in the world with Christianity and Muslims as the most dominant. Islam has common characteristics with other religions. The strongest resistance to Islam seems to have emanated from the Mossi and the Bamana, with the development of the Sgou kingdom. . If you are the copyright owner of this paper and no longer wish to have your work published on IvyPanda. Most Christians are members of one of three major groups: Roman Catholic, Protestant, and Eastern Orthodox. Islam is a monotheistic religion. October 29, 2019. The Quran clearly defines the rights of women. Both Religions worship their God or Allah but in different ways. Should I Consolidate My Federal Student Loan? We will examine that later. It is known to be the official religion in 28 countries. The religion of Islam has become a controversial issue in todays 21st century. View and download islam essays examples. In addition, they know terrorists are not real Muslims and they do not follow the concepts of Islam. It is quite interesting to mention in your Christianity vs Islam essay that the Muslims as well as Christians consider Adam and Eve to have been the first people on the Earth. State University of New York Press, 1992. If you are interested in religions and their histories, you can easily order an essay about them or any other subject in our writing service. Islam An Introduction. And, what is even more important, in this Islamic essay we will try to find out whether Islam is a religion of peace or the stereotypes about it are true. An Arab person could identify with any faith or be an atheist. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Christianity and Hinduism Religions Comparison, "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho Literature Analysis, Young Goodman Brown and The Alchemist: Comparison, A Metaphor for Life: "The Alchemist" by Paulo Coelho, The Problem of Evil in Religion abd Theology, ""Jews and Muslims in Medieval Spain" by Dwayne Carpenter: Relations Between the Christian, Muslim and Jewish Communities", The Stages of Succession at Different Places in the Kilmer Ecological Preserve, The Ten Commandments versus the Five Pillars of Islam, Hare Krishna: International Society for Krishna Consciousness, Islam as a Complex and Dynamic Religion: Shia and Sunni Muslims. While sleeping he heard the prophet Gabriel saying Youre the messenger of G-d. Once known as a quiet and peaceful religion, the general perception of people from other religions and most of the world upon Islam is quite distorted. It's quite obvious that negative perceptions associated with Islam may lead to self-exclusion and exclusion, with noticeable effects on self esteem and social practices. (25 points) How was the educational system in medieval Islam under the Seljuqs (Nizamiyya) and the Fatimids (Al-Azhar)? The distinction between civil and criminal liability Secular legislators consider that some damage must occur to render a person legally liable for his act. And, as do Christians, Muslims regard Jesus as the messiah. Interest in conventional banking can be seen from two angles, one, the interest paid on savings by the bank to the customer and the interest paid by a customer when he has been financed by the bank. Another pillar is fasting in the month of Ramadan, it lasts a whole month before sunrise to sunset. Islam as a religion began with the message which was spread by Islam's Prophet and God's Messenger Muhammad ibn Abdallah in the Arabian Peninsula in 610 CE and which was contained in the Qur'an, God's revelation to Muhammad.After Muhammad's death in 632, his followers, the Muslims, embarked on successive waves of conquest of the Middle East and beyond; within less than a century . Islam completes the long chain of guidance from God to humanity. Words: 514. Women are oppressed in Islam. This tenet is unequivocally accepted by all sects of Islam be they Shia, Sunni or Sufis., Sunni, Shiite, and Sufi are three branches of Islam. Mecca was a well-established trading city. Article Writing. In spite of its youth speaking in terms of religions, Islam has quite interesting and rich history and has elaborated a lot of traditions and the certain acts of worship called The Pillars of Islam. According to religion survey conducted in 2009, the religion has a total number of 1,571,198,000, people; this represented 22.9% of the world population. In the last couple of years, Muslims have been associated with a number of negative perceptions; because of what some other Muslims have done, terror attacks in different parts of the world has been blamed on Islam religion in what is referred to as holy war; these terror attacks have made people hold different opinions towards the religion. Women are oppressed in Islam. Islam spread to many regions in the beginning, and now is the #3d largest religion in the world., Muslims believe that God is one and incomparable. His fathers name was Adullah. The database is updated daily, so anyone can easily find a relevant essay example. Prophet Mohammad is believed to be the founder of the religion: Muslims belief that Islam is a religion of mercy and love. What is Islam? In the article by Abd-Allah Umar Faruq called, One God, Many Names page two, the writer notes that For Muslims, Allh is the most inclusive of Gods names, embracing all his other names and attributes. In this, they are attempting to establish the Islamic state that would apply totalitarian and sectarian regulations in governance. The Religion Islam "The Religious Situation of Mecca from the eve of Islam up to the Hijra." Islamic Studies 16:4 (1977): 289-301. Christians are also monolithic believing in one divine deity. The literal meaning of Islam is peace; surrender of one's will i.e. Introduction to Islam and other kinds of academic papers in our essays database at Many Essays. Because of the order of God, Muslims cannot fight or kill other people even if they are not Muslims. The public worship is traditionally conducted in Arabic. Islam is a religion of war and hatred Recommended Essay. Intro to Islam (RELI 224) Concordia University. I grew up in a household that believed in Christianity and we went to church every Sunday. Caliphs got the full secular and religious authority. Human beings are not believed to be sinful, but are seen as capable of both good and evil. An Introduction to Islam places Islam within a cultural, political, social, and religious context, and examines its connections with Judeo-Christian morals. The message of Islam was revealed to the Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings on him) 1, 400 years ago. Islam provides adherents with a way to express their submission to Allah through teachings of bioethics as well as the practice of Hajj., 1. 3 Scholarship that did address larger questions of Islamic approaches to materiality still needed to do the important work of unsettling tired tropes of Islamic iconoclasm or iconophobia ( Christianity vs. Islam essay tailored to your instructions for only $13.00 . A lot of women in Muslim countries have undergone female circumcision. It was revealed through angel Gabriel (on whom be peace) and was thus preserved in the Holy Quran. some businesses that are directly prohibited by the sheria laws not to be engaged in by one who practices the Muslim faith, a good example on this is selling of pork and its products the banking system cannot deal with a person who engages into the business. Your attitude to Islam absolutely depends on you, but you should remember that each religion as any other phenomenon has both advantages and disadvantages, so you shouldnt be too radical writing a terrorism and Islam essay, which could be written for you by college paper writing service. The question is how does the bank make profits? The last pillar of Islam is Pilgrimage to Mecca where people go to Kaaba and perform Hajj and it has been followed from the times of Hazrat Ibrahim (AS). Debt has two important advantages. When a firm grows, it needs capital, and that capital can come from debt or equity. Followers of this religion are called Muslims. The word Islam. Brief life history of Prophet Muhammad. Nevertheless, there are many peaceful Muslims in the world, who consider the peaceful meaning of jihad to be one of the aspects of their religion. Islamic teachings encompass all aspects of life and ethics; consciousness of God is encouraged in all aspects of human affairs. Nevertheless, there are a lot stereotypes about this religion, which have appeared in recent time. On the Last Day, all the dead will be resurrected and either rewarded with heaven or punished with hell., Islam embraces a huge range of nationalities and cultures; the Muslim/Islamic community is made up of people from all over the world; with each culture or nationality having different interpretation of Islam with the majority of the Islamic community observing the daily ritual of prayer and other teachings. No doubt about it that Islam is one of the most influential and authentic religions with a very illustrious and straight forward system of beliefs. Together with Christianity and Judaism it originated from the ancient forms of monotheistic Abrahamic religions. This website is for people of various faiths who seek to understand Islam and Muslims. Together with Judaism, they go back to the prophet and patriarch Abraham, and their three prophets are directly descended from his sons Muhammad from the eldest, Ishmael, and Moses and Jesus, One of the religions that I find intriguing and chose to do an interview about is the Islamic religion. Islam is the only religion that believes in other religions. Most Muslims will be familiar with the monotheistic creed There is no God but God, and Muhammad was his Messenger, which every practicing Muslim must acknowledge this belief known as Shahadah. This is IvyPanda's free database of academic paper samples. It is known One's deeds and actions measure one's faith. An Arab person could identify with any faith or be an atheist. From the interview that I conducted I found that Mohammed was a peaceful man who sought the truth. The role of religion in the history of education and science Religion and individual from the perspective of social psychology Religion in the globalized world Religion and crime: forgiveness and punishment The political impact of religion Beliefs before organized religion The importance of religion in political economy Most of his early life was spent as a merchant. We utilize security vendors that protect and Mohammed himself went to extreme measures to gain followers for this religion, his life story is important to Muslims because he brought the word of God and his teachings and sayings are recorded in the Hadith. Introduction Islam is one of the world's major religions. The problem is they do not know anything about Islam; they just believe what media will say. Finally, there is a stereotype that women are oppressed in Islam. Islam is a religion that Muslims follow and is a monotheistic faith regarded as revealed through Muhammad as the prophet of Allah. 11 Easy High School Research Paper Topics, 65 Nutrition and Dietetics Topics For Research, 137 Examples of Research Paper Topics for Thesis. October 29, 2019. He preached to people to have mercy on each other. Besides, woman cant marry non-Muslim man. It is a threat to humanity. The Five Pillars of Islam are five duties that all Muslims must live by in order to be a Muslim Shahada: The declaration, Salat: Prayer, fasting Sawm: Ramadan, Zakat: charity, Hajj: journey to Mecca at least once in your life if you are healthy enough and your finances permit you to., Islam is an ill-perceived religion throughout most of the Western world. As societies become larger and more complex, its people become more likely to join monotheistic religions. While in the bar, he hears the call to prayer and watches the Muslims prostrate themselves on the ground (Coelho 1), when they are praying they are facing Mecca where they believe their God stays. Traditionally, the concept of religion has been related to a population's beliefs. While fasting no food or drink is allowed or any other thing that may give body the energy. Mankind has been created in order to come to know Allah. They share many of the same holy sites, such as Jerusalem, and prophets, such as Abraham. In many Islam countries it is quite hard and almost impossible to prove an act of violation. The religion appealed to many people due to the fact its rules were right and just. ), a merchant from the city of Mecca, now in modern-day Saudi Arabia. Islam is not only a religion but also a civilization since it is represented by over one billion Muslims and over 50 Muslim states. A broader meaning of the word "Islam" is to achieve peace by submitting to the will of God., Islam offers a religious world view that provides a perspective for the human view of reality that is, totally submission to Allah, which adherents can apply to their daily lives. Retaining its emphasis on an uncompromising monotheism and a strict adherence to certain essential religious practices, the religion taught by Muhammad to a small group of followers spread rapidly through the Middle East to Africa, Europe, the Indian subcontinent, the Malay Peninsula, and China. How does it attract savings? Jesus of Nazareth is the most, Origin of Islam: The name of this religion, Islam, is derived from the Arabic word "salam," which is often interpreted as meaning "peace." Many people believe that Muslim people are a threat to their society, and therefore treats them like they are inhuman and untrustworthy. 4. losing oneself for the sake of God and surrendering one's own pleasure for the pleasure of God. Emerging as a civilization influenced by religious beliefs and practices, Islam influenced different groups of people in diverse stages of history and in different countries. Meticulously preserved and thoroughly documented, Islam's message has a familiar resonance, owing to its shared history and common values, with Abrahamic religions. This goes in line with the strong holds of the religion, peace. Quran is Islam holy book. It is true that the events of 9/11 have separated the history of American relations with the Muslim world into before and after phases, negatively affecting the patterns of assimilation of immigrant Muslims into American culture and society (Simmons, 2008). Everyone needs to realize that not all Muslims are terrorists and all the negative events that have occurred all over the world has been led by some extremist groups. Allah is God, the same God Christians and Jews worship.The word Muslim means one who submits to the will of God, regardless of race, nationality or ethnic background. This is in that the Biblical Elohm (God) and h-Elh (the true God) of Moses and the Hebrew prophets or the Aramaic Alh (God, the true God) of Jesus and John the Baptist the recognition of the supremacy of the lord is recognized. After Muhammads death the theocratic state named Caliphate was established. Firstly, what the sharia provides is banking services without the payment or acceptance of interests from its customers or to the bank. ensure the integrity of our platform while keeping your private information safe. If you want to write women in Islam essay, this information will be definitely beneficial for you. In 610 in age of 40 he declared himself a messenger and prophet of the sole God Allah. Americans gained, Modern Challenges Paper Sunnis believe that Muhammad did not designate a successor. More frequently than not, these people are becoming more pleasantly startled by the product of their exploration. The monotheistic religion of Islam was developed in the Arabian Peninsula in the seventh century by the prophet Muhammad. In closing the three major religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, all link religion and morality together. People who are of Middle Eastern appearance are Muslim. It is fair to say that infringement of womens right is widespread in Islam countries. Muller, Herbert. The banks provide the two services but does not charge or pay interest. Furthermore. They have been formed during the lifetime of Muhammad. By the way, the word Islam is translated as obedience or devotion to Allah. His friends and he tried convincing people to, All Arabs are Muslims/All Muslims are Arabs. I am going to examine some ways the teaching, ABSTRACT The political Islam is mostly concerned with consolidating regional power through the initiation of states that are governed by Islamic law. [5], Islam, Christianity, and Judaism are the three major monotheistic religions. Because of the media, many people got negative thoughts about. Terrorism is an act, which aims to create fear among ordinary people by illegal means. Islam has spread quickly during the time and today the religion is, by a few estimations, the biggest on the planet. Christianity is based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ, and Islam is based on the teachings of the prophet Muhammad. Kill other people even if they are not believed to be closer to Allah and themselves... Emanated from the interview that I conducted I found that Mohammed was a peaceful man who sought the truth ). 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