Fix: Sorting fixed after ajax action on Import & delete history data New: The Active Topic in the Lesson List sidebar now remains uncollapsed for a better experience inside the course Fix: Add to Cart option still showed after adding the product in the Course Details Page Include Unlimited Instructors for Courses 5. Third parties cannot view the videos with the URL when you use our WordPress LMS plugin. Fix: Duplicate order statements in earning section of instructor profile New: More security improvement is introduced to ensure SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF protection Fix: CSV Download button disabled for empty reports, New: Advanced analytics for instructors in the Frontend Dashboard Fix: Improved navigation for Course Reports page Fix: Quiz attempt page had some minor design issue, Update: BunnyNet Compatibility Update is Introduced Using the WordPress LMS plugin, create questions by defining question type (True/False, Multiple Choice, Single Choice), marks for each question (if answered right), answer type, descriptions, and answer hints for the students to attempt the right answer.) All the features of this learning management system hit all the checkpoints for a full-fledged online course marketplace. Fix: On Assignment Submission, files were not being uploaded if the file language isnt English Fix: Zoom Meeting page was showing an error if Meeting Title or Description would contain Single Quote Would you like to support the advancement of this plugin? Smart Frontend Course Builder 2. Lets hope that continues. terryheick. Update: Auto redirect to Course action added upon WooCommerce order completion Update: Code Optimization is done for better Page Load Performance The industry-first frontend course builder in any WordPress LMS plugin ever. Fix: In some cases, error was appearing in the Review Section of the Course Details page Fix: On Google Meet the Help Page was expanding options before clicking on the Tab Fix: The More options text on the Course Details page was not translatable You can upload your own certificates with this amazing add-on that comes with this WordPress LMS plugin. Update: More strings are now translatable in other languages than English Fix: Font spacing and custom font issue for generated Tutor certificates on chrome browser. Fix: Compatibility issue with WCFM Fix: On Enrollment, error is occurring while sending Emails Fix: Zoom Meeting page was showing wrong spacing between the meeting details Fix: On some websites, in the case of Lesson, the default Featured Image was not appearing on the Lessons page in the Course Journey However, this feature is only available in the pro edition. You can send course enrollment, course completion, and quiz completion email to both students and teachers automatically. The purpose of the thumbnail is to make the course more visually appealing and to give potential students an idea of what the course is about. Fix: Multiple mobile responsive issues have been resolved Set up easy registration forms to approve instructors for a course with this WordPress LMS plugin. Fix: On the new Tutor LMS installations, the Preset Color default setting was being Custom instead of Default Fix: CSS issue in back-end course builder Tutor LMS provides the most creative way to build and customize certificates. Update: More intuitive certificate setup page with guided creation process Fix: Wrong percentage stats on course completion in report Update: Tutor LMS is now compatible with the latest WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin New: Announcement tab in the course detail page Fix: Private course not found on the latest version of WordPress Note: Before proceeding, make sure to select your preferred video source(s) from the Tutor LMS Settings > Course section. Fix: Instructor Course Menu option appears on Student Dashboard page in the mobile version Update: Show Continue Course instead of Add to Cart (if already purchased) on the course archive page Fix: Email event list checkboxes not showing in dashboard if WPML add-on enabled Fix: Custom player didnt work for Vimeo Fix: Headers already sent in course editor frontend Fix: Grammatical corrections in the enrolment section of the course page. The Content Drip add-on (Pro Feature) allows instructors to release course content to students gradually over a specified period of time. Fix: Removing or clicking a product from the cart, took users to the WooCommerce shop instead of the course page New: Order Filter option by Date and by Course Name is introduced on the Course List page Fix: Countdown timer translation issue for Zoom meetings 1- Show "Tutor LMS" admin pages on the frontend. Update: Introduced more security improvements Fix: PHP notice and warning errors fixed Fix: Quick edit vanishes course metadata (Intro video, Benefits, Requirements, Targeted Audience, Materials Included) With Tutor LMS Pro, you have the ability to conduct Live Lessons as a pro feature. Fix: XSS vulnerability in registration page, New: Event Calendar Get Tutor and start your e-learning website immediately. Fix: On the Question & Answer page the Sort By dropdown options were not Translatable Fix: Quiz attempt table matching data was showing wrong information To do this, you must have a Zoom account and connect it with Tutor LMS. Fix: Hiding quiz time was not working properly New: 3 new email notifications for content drip published lessons, quizzes and assignments. Fix: Courses in draft status showing issue while showing category lists from the archives Fix: User access issue in Zoom meeting list. Theres a whole new world of intuitive learning thats yet to discover using this WordPress LMS plugin. New: Admin will be able to hide Quiz Details from My Quiz Attempts page Fix: SQL syntax error on course page, Update: Admins/instructors can view their course content from the front-end Fix: Enrolled users were able to see all the plans when Paid Membership Pro is Enable To display any Tutor LMS admin page on the frontend, you have at least two options. Update: New student column in quiz attempt on frontend dashboard Frontend Course Builder: Build your course on the go using the frontend course builder in the Tutor LMS plugin. Fix: Fatal Error in the Sales tab of Reports Addon New: Introduced ChatGPT integration for content generation Update: Duplicated courses were adding the word Copy on every course content which was not intended New: Personalized dashboard for instructors and students focused towards task automation Fix: Login redirect issue, New: Student/instructor profile completion Fix: Multiple answers-based questions were having trouble in case of quiz Reveal Mode Instructors can see how their course looks live without even having to go backend. Make sure filesystem permissions is writable and media handling is . Update: Greater translation compatibility updated Tutor LMS Pro Fix: The assignment Report page had a design issue on Upload files tab Then click on the " Add New " button on top to create a new course (can also select an existing course). Frontend Course Builder: Build your course on the go using the frontend course builder in the Tutor LMS plugin. Update: Dynamic membership plan on the right sidebar of the course details page Fix: An instructor couldnt see his/her own courses if the preview was disabled Offer students a distraction-free lesson with the spotlight mode option. Fix: Quiz title not found in attempt review email Fix: Trashed Courses were still being shown on the all course list Fix: In the case of Multiple Answer type answers, the Image Option was not working In this section, you have the ability to customize certain attributes of your course. Offer Beautiful Certificates 7. Thank you for creating this amazing plugin. If the course is paid, you have the option to set both a regular price and a discounted price. [Get Tutor LMS] (, the most advanced and powerful WordPress online course plugin. Fix: Translation issue in Paid Membership Pro Fix: Some known bugs related to Course, Login and Lesson pages are fixed, New: Instructors will be able to create Online Events over Google Meet Thanks Wordfence! Fix: Date Formats of Tutor LMS were not matched with the set WordPress date format Fix: Course duplication issue Fix: Resources Tab was accessible publicly from the Course Details page We can just focus on running the business knowing that reliable support is behind us. Enable Course Preview: This option will only appear if the Course Preview add-on is enabled. To add a new lesson, click on the +Lesson button. Fix: On the Course List page, the Enroll Now button was not working until it was clicked twice Update: Missing Strings have been added to improve the overall translation experience. Fix: My Courses page was showing a $0 Price for all displayed courses how long it will generally take for a student to complete this course. Fix: Some texts in email were not translatable New: Added helper method tutils()->get_student_emails_by_course_id($course_id) to get array list of enrolled user emails Fix: Mark as Complete button was not appearing in Mobile View for Tutor Starter Great support and reasonably priced. mariusandersen, Tutor LMS is an excellent plugin. Fix: In the course journey, the Delete Quiz Attempt feature was appearing for students as well . Update: Translations are improved on the Front-end Dashboard Simply provide a name and brief summary for each topic, and use the buttons provided to add lessons and quizzes. Update: Design update in Zoom backend dashboard With this free LMS plugin for WordPress, you can create questions that are supposed to be added to the Quizzes. do_action('tutor_quiz/attempt/submitted/feedback', $attempt_id); New: Flexible Gradebook with easy grading point system setup There are rich Tutor Settings to define, select, and limit options for Course, Lesson, Quiz, Teacher, Student, and Email Notification. Set up the time limit and restrict the number of attempts, passing grades, and so on. Tutor LMS Review: A Detailed Look at the Key Features. Frontend Course Builder: Build your course on the go using the frontend course builder in the Tutor LMS plugin. Fix: The Assignment Submitted date-time was showing as per GMT but not Sites Time on the Assignment Details page of WP Admin Fix: Compatibility issue with Divi Builder. Fix: Add New Course, Explore Addons buttons issue in Tutor LMS setup wizard Next, increase php memory limit on your server. ** 5 modelli di domande professionali: ** * Risposta breve * Corrispondenza Fix: Fixed wrong display name on quiz attempt table Review instructor profiles and then have custom settings for the instructor role. Fix: Course could not be duplicated for admin as a co-author Update: Q&A timestamp is now aligned with WordPress timezone settings. Update: Quiz attempt and my quiz attempt icon Update: PeepSo Profile Avatar compatibility is introduced Update: Email Footer Text now displays default content Add questions while setting up quizzes or add them from preset questions from the Question section. Fix: Email Templates background, typography, logo and margin padding has issues Please make sure to follow the given instructions for the best results. Update: More security improvements are introduced It's a very big issue. Fix: The Content Drip add-on date picker was showing the wrong date format Fix: Bulk Actions was not working in the courses, instructors, students page Fix: Zoom meetings page was not being closed while clicking the cross icon. Update: All the email notification templates moved to Pro version Fix: Incorrect quiz result issue for randomized multiple choice question answers Fix: Changes in text color on the Lesson Editor was not appearing on the Front-end Lesson page Update: Withdrawal and Phone number fields now accept numbers only. Tutor LMS supports WooCommerce, Money Management, Easy Digital Download, Paid Memberships Pro, WooCommerce Subscription, and Restrict Content Pro. Fix: While creating Zoom Meeting, Date Picker wasnt working Update: Course Expiry Date is added to Single Course Page Update: More security improvements are introduced Fix: Profile Page gives an error if the language is changed New: Preview certificate before downloading upon completing the course Update: The backend courses page has better query handling. New: Field to add Course Tags in Frontend course builder Fix: Video tab collapse was not working in the Course Builder Fix: Graph issue in the Earnings tab in the Report addon * Image Matching Fix: Wrong course eligibility status on Paid Membership Pro plugin activation Fix: Search was not working while manually enrolling someone from the Modal This change has been brought for 3rd party compatibility. Have lessons under course and attach video and other attachments to each lesson. Fix: Course got published automatically Fix: Remove item issue in WooCommerce cart page Update: Quality of certificates PDF files improved Fix: Settings was being saved in other cases, but the Save button was not being marked as saved, New: Admin will be able to change the Main Instructor for a Course Fix: The option When time expires fixed in Quiz settings, New: WPML compatibility addon Launched in March 2019, Tutor LMS has managed to rack up over 60,000 active installations and a 4.5-star rating (at the time of writing) in a short time and continues to grow. Fix: Parameter count in plugin activated hook Fix: Toast Message was showing the same color for all message types Fix: Certificates translation issue Fix: On the User Dashboard page, the Active Course count was appearing wrong Fix: View certificate page conflict with BuddyBoss theme With Tutor LMS,. Fix: Create Zoom Meeting page has design issue Fix: Course Price was not accepting floating value Price Viewing 3 replies - 1 through 3 (of 3 total) Nayeem (@nayeeem) This allows the creation and organization of course content. Fix: Instructors profile photos were not saving in the WordPress admin panel Fix: Unnecessary backslashes were coming under the Review tab, New: Compatibility with PeepSo Social Networking plugin is Introduced Fix: Reports page design was appearing wrong Fix: User display name doesnt update on certificate after name change You can learn more about our product from [our website] ( Fix: When editing a Quiz, the Default option was not staying active by default Fix: The Course Journey pages (Quiz/Assignment) were not mobile responsive Fix: Showed wrong information for multiple pages for the Students list in the Dashboard Report Courses Course Details section. New: Added 6 new action hooks Fix: Replaced Q&A static date to dynamic date Looking for the best LMS for WordPress? New: Improved accessibility and responsiveness across all devices Tutor Multi Instructors: Add as many instructors as you want to individual courses. The Set Course Price section allows you to choose whether the course will be free or paid. Update: Quiz export/import file size limit waived Fix: Minimum Days Before Balance is Available was selectable as 0 which should not go below 1 New: Email Notification to students when a new Assignment is Created if enabled Update: Pending Course Tab is added under My Courses for Instructor Fix: Pagination not appearing in quiz attempt New: Previous button for a single quiz (default enabled from settings) Fix: Issue while attaching multiple files in assignments Fix: Quiz reattempt button not showing upon timeout if grace period was enabled Fix: Course % Complete text was not translatable on the Lesson page in Mobile View Check the purchase status, amount, and when the purchase was made inside Tutor LMS. MasterStudy offers a drag-and-drop course builder that makes it easy to set up the structure of your courses and add lesson content. In fact, Tutor LMS has developed an extension called Certificate Builder which gives you a new interface to build your own certificates. Note: Course Prerequisites is a Tutor LMS Pro feature, so youll have to enable the add-on from WP Admin > Tutor LMS Pro > Add-ons to use it. Fix: SQL error in custom post types, New: Instructors can now give feedback on quiz attempts from the frontend As we have mentioned before, the frontend course builder is a unique feature of Tutor LMS. Update: Student notification emails now utilise the BCC field for better privacy. eLearning With Tutor LMS Teach anyone anything from anywhere. * Community education Fix: Registration Date & Time is not translating (One per line). New: Event calendar with handy features to organize events, schedule assignments, and more. New: Static texts in JS files are now translatable The blocks are Tutor Student Dashboard, Student Registration, and Instructor Registration Form. They must have tested the updates thoroughly for all mostly used themes of their users and also probable plugins which are highly used. Fix: The quiz page used to get jammed if a quiz is abandoned * Short Answer Fix: Instructor can access Withdrawal Requests Issue, New: Certificate Builder plugin compatibility This useful feature in the WordPress LMS plugin encourages student interactions and helps boost conversion rates. New: Collect all of your reviews and ratings in one centralized location Fix: Empty data insert & redundant hooks calling on course attachments addons Update: On the Front-site Course Details page, the title Course Content was appearing even when there is no content Fix: Removed duplicate site title of Tools status page So when you buy this you carry a risk of losing your business with one small bug and have sleep less nights with your customers bothering you with issues they face. Fix: JSON Code was appearing if nonce verification failed while the Login You can send course enrollment, course completion, and quiz completion email to both students and teachers automatically. Update: XSS vulnerability protection is made stronger, Update: Security Update Update: More security improvement is introduced Fix: In some cases, just after starting a quiz, the unfinished quiz was being marked as completed To open the course builder, go to Tutor LMS > Courses from your WordPress dashboard. Update: Add action hook tutor_after_review_update in Ajax class Fix: Announcement Tab was publicly accessible from the Course Details page I don't want ANYONE to have backend access or to even see the backend dashboard. Fix: CSV quiz import issue for Windows OS, New: Quiz Feedback system Improvement: Missing translation strings for dynamic texts like date has been added Update: Compatibility with the latest WPML plugin is introduced Tutor Course Attachment: Include all the class materials in pdf, doc, etc. Tutor LMS is a free WordPress learning management system and course plugin that enables the creation, delivery, and management of eLearning projects. Its also been improved in terms of accessibility to make things easier for any user with disabilities. Update: Assignment page with new deadline notice, expired message and more. New: Course List Page is redeveloped with SEO friendly URL The industry-first frontend course builder in any WordPress LMS plugin ever. New: Instructor will be redirected to My Courses page while clicking on the course Publish button, Admin can enable it from Settings Update: Design is now more optimized and improved Fix: Earning Graph under Overview and Earning was showing different statistics Fix: Some addons not showing up on the addon list, New: Push notification add-on Update: The frontend dashboard Zoom Meeting page design is improved How can my instructors be taken to the frontend creator rather than the back end course creator? Fix: Ordered/Unordered List tags were not supported in the Lesson pages Fix: In the Course Builder, the Price fields of WooCommerce were conflicting with EDD Fix: EDD purchase history in frontend dashboard Fix: Quiz attempt details table doesnt show all contents properly New: On manual Enrollment to Paid Courses, an Invoice will be automatically generated, therefore, on changing Payment Status, Earning Report will be reflected Tutor LMS; Crowdfunding; Qubely; Themes; Support; Blog (0) . Fix: Wrong count was appearing on the first Question after starting a Quiz You can add tags from WP Admin > Tutor LMS > Tags. Fix: Resource issue from the course page New: Admin/Instructor will be able to add Code Blocks inside a Lesson/Assignment/Quiz Update: Security features enhanced in wpdb query & Quiz. Fix: Second Zoom live lesson not working properly Tutor LMS eLearning and online course solution has been translated into 30 locales. I've been using the Tutor LMS plugin to build an online course and I find it great. Fix: Students Registration Time was not showing as per the defined Time Zone Remove: Unnecessary css file from certificate addon Fix: Tutor Pro displayed an incorrect Alert Message when the Tutor Free plugin is inactive New: New Assignment features with the option to retake and add instructors feedback New: Popup alert message when admin/instructor tries to delete an enrolment Fix: Login Modal was not appearing for Guest users upon clicking Follow, New: Instructor List Page is built using its Shortcode Fix: Division by 0 warning in Gradebook Fix: Course Validity Time was not appearing properly in some cases for PmPro Fix: Admin submitted courses were ending up in the course review section Fix: Pre-requisites not showing up on course page, New: Visually appealing appearance with a more unified design system Fix: Content Drip is not working as expected for Instructors/Admins when Course Content Access is enabled Fix: On completion of a Quiz, it was appearing as Completed for another User in the Course Journey Im using it for some time now and have been able to check out the V2 beta. Fix: Enrollment issue in WooCommerce manual order Fix: The Assignment Submission page had a design overlap issue Update: Tutor Pro plugin file size optimized from 6.2MB to 2.5MB New: Force download for course attachment Fix: In the WP Admin, the Instructor page the Status sort option was not working Update: ImageMagick dependency removed from certificate generator Fix: Categories not showing hierarchically in course filter Currently am stuck, they resolved our issue after 7 days. Fix: The Disable Tutor Login option was not working in case of Add to Wishlist New: More options to control button colors in login, registration, and enrolment Update: The grace period is now removed from the setting as it was redundant Moreover, Tutor LMS comes with three custom Gutenberg blocks. Fix: In the backend, clearing search field does not remove search parameter from the URL Update: Paid Membership Pro Integration architecture Fix: My Profile page Date is not translating Fix: Profile Photo Upload was showing a Mime Type error in some cases do_action('tutor_after_student_signup', $user_id); The Setup Wizard. * Matching WooCommerce Subscriptions: Have all the subscription options supported by WooCommerce using the WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on. New: Event calendar with handy features to organize and schedule assignments Fix: Editors with Instructor role can now edit all post types except others courses Fix: For Paid Courses, students were getting Enrolled when Orders are even not Completed Fix: Admin was not being able to Enable/Disable the Course Sorting option from WP Admin or Shortcode Fix: Showing same levels multiple times in single course page for Paid Membership Pro addon Pleased with the support that we are getting. Fix: User can type characters in the date field 1. Fix: Lesson video duration were not fetched for autofill URL Update: Improved RTL Support Fix: Different profile picture was showing up in different pages, Update: Tutor Player has been upgraded Now that you're previewing the draft of your course, you will see Edit with Frontend Course Builder in the top bar of your WordPress dashboard. Fix: Minor text issues, New: REST API Attach lesson files, course outlines, and every other information as an attachment with Tutor. New: Confirmation message while saving data added Fix: After assignment submission, a 404 page was appearing in the case of Multilingual site, New: Reset credential for Google Meet is introduced Fix: Lesson preview access issue for admin. Creating a new course. Fix: Tutor Instructor user role update issue The Frontend Course Builder in Tutor LMS is an exceptional feature that enables instructors to create their courses directly from the frontend without needing to enter the backend WordPress panel. Update: Set WooCommerce product as sold individually when created automatically from frontend course builder Update: Server-side validation in the Q&A tab Fix: Disabling total enrolled number issue in the course page Update: In Content Drip when there is a pre-requisite course, Student will see the Alert page with new design Update: Quiz attempt re-designed Fix: Erase upon uninstallation option of Settings was not working before It's feature-rich, yet easy to use. Fix: Course Content Access option for Admin and Instructor was not working with Paid Membership Pro . Update: Generate Gradebook button removed Update: Delete all related course data when permanently deleting a course Fix: Full site membership for Paid Membership Pro does not implement on uncategorized courses, New: Filters for instructor list in the backend dashboard New: Instructor list filter option in shortcode using attribute filter=on Update: Quiz question field placeholder text change New: New Q/A features for instant and more engaging communication Fix: Lesson and Quiz sequence is not saving Fix: Students were not getting the On-site Notification for Q&A Message Answered cases Fix: Assignment attachment not deleting from server when assignment is deleted, New: Zoom added to the Frontend dashboard Fix: Fatal error on course archive and shortcode page for misconfigured monetization settings Fix: Gutenberg content is not working in Single Course About section New: Email Notification for course enrolment expiration Fix: The users were unable to switch the Q&A tab Fix: Quiz answers security issue fixed Engage your students by uploading multimedia lessons in versatile video sources such as Vimeo, YouTube videos, etc. The Frontend Course Builder is only available with the premium version of Tutor LMS. and more! * Image Answering Fix: Some stats were showing wrong count information in the Reports page Fix: Line break in Quiz description not working * These are just a few possibilities that Tutor LMS opens up for its users. Specify the overall duration of the course, i.e. New: Public Profile is getting a brand new design Fix: Disabling Content Drip email not working, Update: Start Meeting button will be disabled for expired meetings Update: Added option to turn on course archive filters, New: Course filter option in Course Archive page Fix: PDF certificate not downloading on Firefox web browser New: Enhanced Instructor list and public profile layouts with Backend & Frontend preview You can choose from multiple video sources, such as HTML5, External URL, YouTube, Vimeo, Embedded, or Shortcode, to include the video in your course. Fix: Course topic title and description editing issue For more information about this add-on, please visit its own documentation page. Update: More Security Compatibility Update is Introduced Many instructors as you want to individual courses Addons buttons issue in Tutor LMS has developed extension! In fact, Tutor LMS plugin time was not working properly Tutor plugin! 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