Home Comics How to Support SNK’s KOFXIV Manga

How to Support SNK’s KOFXIV Manga

How to Support SNK’s KOFXIV Manga

King of Fighters: A New Beginning is available through the mobile Magapoke app.
Getting the app works differently for iOS and Android.

The guide that inspired this is here.

I wanted to elaborate on the guide and help people with iOS.

Please skip the iOS Guide if you have Android or already know how to use the Japanese store. 🙂

Here is the Google Play Store link.

Here is the APK link for the app for Android.

Here is the Apple Store link.

iOS Guide

Magapoke is an app that’s available only in Japan’s app store.

Therefore, you need to make or change your Apple ID’s country.

Next, you must acquire an iTunes gift card from Japan, if you do not have a Japanese bank account/credit or debit card.

There are many sites to get your card from. However, please use them at your own risk and make sure you look for reviews. We are not affiliated or are partnered with any sites that sell these cards.

As the recent chapters of making this post, the chapters cost 30 yen. 500 yen is more than enough for several weeks of chapters.

Now, you can download the Magapoke App by clicking here.

It’s also searchable on the App Store, but my phone wouldn’t let me copy and paste the Japanese characters.
Here are the Japanese characters to paste into the App Store search:


This is the app!
Download the app on your phone or mobile device.

Android and iOS Guide to Magapoke

Now that you have the app, just go through the prompts.

Enter your birth year and click the bottom blue button.

You can type “King of Fighters” and this should show up!

Click the “X” in the orange bubble if you want.Scroll down and you can see free chapters, which don’t have a green circle. The chapters with green circles next to them denote how much they cost. In this case, Round 4-1 costs 30 points, or yen.
Click the green circle of the chapter you wish to purchase. Then, click the blue button with the “P”.
For Magapoke, you need to purchase points to purchase chapters.
1 point = 1 yen
Buy the amount of points you wish to spend on a chapter. If you have a 500 yen balance on your account, you can buy 360 points for 360 yen.
Click the second option. It’s asking if you’re okay purchasing that amount of points. If you made a mistake, click the first option.
This is my prompt for using iOS. Time to purchase!
Click “OK”.

Click the second option.
I don’t actually know what this means. But I just purchased a chapter!
You can also press the gray thumbs up icon, to the bottom right of the main image, and it turns red. It’s a sign of approval for the manga!
Click on the gray star next to the thumbs up icon to save the manga in your favorites.
Now, you don’t need to keep typing “King of Fighters” in the search and can access the manga by clicking the middle star button on the bottom menu.

There’s a secret special image that doesn’t seem to be posted anywhere if you click the thumbs up icon.

I will not post it here, because you should help support the manga! 😀 Get that prize!

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